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"Dr. Sadineni and her team were very friendly and provided excellent, skilled dental services"

- Barb Benton

Community Involvement

Give Back A Smile

Give Back A SmileAmerican Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry® (AACD) sustaining member Dr. Aparna has joined the AACD’s Give Back A Smile™ (GBAS) program to fight domestic violence by providing free consultation and dental treatment to restore the smiles of domestic violence survivors.

Patient smilesThis program was developed to address a need in the communities of American Academy of Cosmetic dentistry (AACD) members. Volunteer dentists agree to restore the broken and damaged teeth in the smile-zone of survivors of intimate partner violence. Survivors know that bruises and scars will fade but broken and missing teeth will not.

Actual Patient of Dr. Sadineni Received Free Dentures

Dr. Aparna can help erase the memories of abuse by restoring the smiles at no cost to the survivor thereby restoring their lives. The satisfaction from helping someone makes all the giving self-serving in a way.

To find out how to qualify for the treatment contact Dublin Metro Dental at (614) 766-5600

check our Patients SMILE GALLERY


check our Patients Testimonials


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We Are Accepting New Patients – Most Insurance Plans Accepted - Same Day Emergencies
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572 Metro Place North,
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Monday to Friday 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM